انضم إلى فريق وكلاء AIR CHARTER SERVICE العالمي للشحن الجوي المحمول باليد
تبحث Air Charter Service دائمًا عن أفراد موثوقين ومرنين للانضمام إلى شبكتنا العالمية للشحن الجوي. كجزء من فريق لا مثيل له من وكلاء النقل اليدوي، ستكون مسؤوليتك هي الاشراف على الاستلام والتسليم باليد من الباب إلى الباب لمجموعة من الشحنات بدءًا من الطرود الفردية عالية القيمة إلى الشحنات الضخمة. يتطلب هذا الدور عالي المسؤولية الاجتهاد والكفاءة والقدرة على الاستجابة بسرعة للظروف غير المتوقعة.
لتصبح ساعي ACS على متن الطائرة، يجب:
- أن يكون جدول مواعيدك مرناً | أن تكون في سن العمل القانوني في بلد إقامتك
- ن تجيد التّحدّث باللغة الإنجليزية | ويفضّل أن تمتلك رخصّة قيادةٍ وبطاقة ائتمان فعّالتان
في حال انطبقت عليك الخصائص المذكورة أعلاه، وكنت ترغب بالانضمام للشركة الأولى عالميًا في مجال استئجار الطائرات، فلا تتردّد بالتواصل معنا. نحن مهتمون بشكل خاص بالمرشحين المقيمين في الصين، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، المكسيك، سنغافورة وكندا.
ستحظى بالمزايا التالية عند الانضمام إلينا:
- العمل المرن | مهام شيقة ومحفّزة
- فرصة السفر الى وجهات عديدة حول العالم
Please fill out the fields below to apply to become part of our ever-growing network of onboard couriers.
Where do onboard couriers travel to?
There are routes which have to be served more often than others, such as those into the USA, Mexico and Asia, but we also have customers in need of OBCs for shorter European or domestic USA routes.
Does an onboard courier have to pay for flight tickets and hotel accommodation?
Not at all. ACS is responsible for an OBC’s flight ticket and hotel accommodation, as well as any other expenses relating directly to the job. The only thing the OBC has to pay for is food and anything else they want to buy/do at the final destination.
Do I need to sign a contract with ACS to become an onboard courier?
Yes, signing a contract is a mandatory procedure. We have to ensure our extremely high-levels of service when it comes to hand-carrying urgent shipments. Therefore ACS will do background checks on all OBCs on a regular basis.
How big are the consignments delivered by onboard couriers?
This will vary from job to job. Sometimes an OBC will be carrying something as small as an envelope, other times some boxes, and in rare cases a shipment containing several boxes. But don’t worry, if there is a big shipment ACS will use two or more OBCs, depending on the total weight of the cargo.
What sort of things does an onboard courier deliver?
In general an OBC is carrying anything which is urgently needed somewhere. The most common shipments are those for automotive companies, but we also carry pharmaceutical material, important documents such as contracts, fabric for the fashion industry and machinery parts.
Are onboard courier shipments legal and safe for the OBC?
Of course, every shipment we carry must have the associated paperwork.
How long are the OBC trips in general?
This depends on the final destination of the shipment. If you are going to the USA or Mexico, you will be abroad for 4 to 7 days. A shipment to Asia will take approximately 3 to 5 days while a hand-carry in Europe or on domestic US routes will be 1 to 2 days.
Does an OBC keep their frequent flyer miles?
Yes, of course. An OBC earns a lot of miles which can be kept for personal travel in the future. This means OBCs gain frequent flyer status which is a great advantage for both the OBC and ACS as it means couriers are able to get seats on oversold flights, amongst other benefits.
What is required to fly as an onboard courier for ACS?
First of all an OBC should be flexible, trustworthy and reliable. They are also required to have/be:
A passport which is valid for at least six month
An international cell phone (data connection is mandatory for a job)
Be aged 18+
Good English skills - additional languages are an advantage
Working credit card
Enjoy traveling to foreign places